On behalf of Dickman Law Offices, P.S.C. posted in Drunk Driving on Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Criminal charges of any kind can have devastating consequences and an allegation of drunk driving is no exception. If convicted, those accused could serve prison time, as well as have their driver’s license suspended. DUI cases often end up in the news, especially if the person involved works in a field that commands a certain level of trust and responsibility. A man and former Teacher of the Year from Kentucky has been charged with drunk driving after crashing his car recently.
The man, a high school English teacher from Martin County, was arrested after his wrecked car was discovered by police. He has also been charged with driving on a suspended license. This is not his first DUI charge, although it is not yet known under what circumstances the first arrest took place. When tested, the man’s blood-alcohol content was 0.296, which is more than three times the legal limit.
Of those arrested for drunk driving in Kentucky, most learn from their lapse in judgment and avoid further run-ins with the law, but for people who have issues with alcohol, DUI can be a bigger struggle. Unfortunately for this man, a DUI or DWI charge can negatively impact the life of anyone accused. Being convicted for drunk driving can cause long term damage to a person’s future. Even a first conviction can carry a substantial fine and a heavy jail sentence, and cases like this usually require an aggressive legal defense. An experienced DUI defense lawyer may be able to offer advice to those facing a DWI conviction in order to prepare a solid defense.
Source: WKYT, “Former teacher of the year is facing DUI charges,” Angela Sparkman, Aug. 5, 2011
Posted in: Car Accidents, Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving